Embark on a journey towards vitality!
Discover transformative lifestyle shifts for optimal health.

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)

Nutritional Therapy

Hair Analysis
Living in Good Health combines physical and mental wellbeing.
A healthy, nutritious and varied diet, preferably personalised as we are all individuals requiring different needs, not only prevents deficiencies that can cause illness, even those that are pre-disposed. but also helps to heal, rejuvenate and repair our bodies from illnesses and injuries. A healthy bodyweight can be achieved and mental health can be improved. In addition, a healthy diet and view on healthy eating contributes to increased energy levels, and exercise regimes, a better immune system and an all round improved sense of well being.
Our mental health is at least as important as our physical health, as it can help people experiencing mental illness, including anxiety, stress, depression, grief, lack of confidence, sports performance, addictions, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, bullying, taking exams, gambling, substance abuse, fears, phobias and relationship issues, find therapy such as Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Hypnotherapy, so much simpler.
Spreading mental health awareness allows people to openly discuss their issues, symptoms and triggers with others, thus helping to fully understand how they are feeling and why.
Without treatment, the consequences of mental health illness for the individual, loved ones and society are staggering. Untreated mental health conditions, and in fact any issue that is affecting the individual deeply can result unnecessary disability, unemployment, incarceration, severe eating disorders, and, suicide; all lead to a poor quality of life.

Many people truly believe that they lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a good, well-balanced diet but still suffer from a range of health issues.
Our supermarkets are full of supposedly “healthy foods and drinks”, from the newly created vegan shelves, foods with added superfoods, additional vitamins and minerals, “low fat” versions of so many foods from dairy to hummus, and many gluten-free products THAT contain a lot of sugar and additives – you need to be careful with your choices!
Many foods contain added vitamins and minerals that are fortified and therefore not from the food source. ANYTHING LABELLED “low fat” contains sugars and artificial sugars which are really not good for you at all. Artificial sugars raise blood sugar levels and some are carcinogenic (cancer-causing).
With me, I will be on hand to advise what foods truly benefit your health without adding any of the above into your daily diet.